2025 Incidents |
JAN | 283 |
FEB | 306 |
MAR | |
APR | |
MAY | |
JUN | |
JUL | |
AUG | |
SEPT | |
OCT | |
NOV | |
DEC | |
Total | 589 |
2024 Incidents |
Jan | 257 |
Feb | 281 |
Mar | 256 |
Apr | 268 |
May | 290 |
Jun | 290 |
Jul | 255 |
Aug | 269 |
Sept | 224 |
Oct | 264 |
Nov | 235 |
Dec | 269 |
Total | 3158 |
2023 Incidents |
JAN | 283 |
FEB | 218 |
MAR | 236 |
APR | 270 |
MAY | 281 |
JUN | 292 |
JUL | 268 |
AUG | 298 |
SEP | 295 |
OCT | 263 |
NOV | 240 |
DEC | 333 |
Total | 3277 |
2022 Incidents |
JAN | 460 |
FEB | 341 |
MAR | 349 |
APR | 331 |
MAY | 381 |
JUN | 412 |
JUL | 331 |
AUG | 306 |
SEP | 296 |
OCT | 282 |
NOV | 232 |
DEC | 274 |
Total | 3995 |
2021 Incidents |
JAN | 435 |
FEB | 363 |
MAR | 413 |
APR | 383 |
MAY | 419 |
JUN | 456 |
JUL | 583 |
AUG | 612 |
SEP | 491 |
OCT | 506 |
NOV | 419 |
DEC | 477 |
Total | 5557 |
2020 Incidents |
JAN | 532 |
FEB | 431 |
MAR | 476 |
APR | 418 |
MAY | 457 |
JUN | 475 |
JUL | 527 |
AUG | 545 |
SEP | 480 |
OCT | 513 |
NOV | 506 |
DEC | 455 |
Total | 5815 |
Web Counters |
Website Visitors Since April 3, 2012
Visitors Today
Mar 25, 2025
Welcome to the Official Website for Calvert Advanced Life Support
Passing of Past CALS Member and PMIC Tim Manley
Chief of CALS Chris Shannon FTO, March 14
It is with profound sympathy that we issue this announcement regarding the unexpected passing of Tim Manley. Tim was a former member of CALS and a PMIC with our organization as well as a retired Lieutenant with the Anne Arundel County Fire Department. Tim was also an accomplished entrepreneur who grew his small T-shirt business into a regional enterprise that served both career and volunteer departments ... (Full Story & Photos)
CALS Responds to Calvert Cliffs State Park for a Medical
Member, March 08
This afternoon while several EMS units were responding to a report of a cardiac arrest at the intersection of Rt-4 and Rt-231 Calvert Communications received a call for an injured person on the beach at Calvert Cliffs State Park. M201 and Chief10 cleared the arrest and responded south to assist. Thanks to our vehicles being 4 x 4 capable both M201 and Chief10 were able to get our vehicles all ... (Full Story & Photos)
M201, CHF10 in the parking area of Calvert Cliffs State Park after removing the patient and their family members.
M101 on scene of the working in Huntingtown.
CALS Responds to Working Fire Dispatch in Huntigntown
Chief of CALS Chris Shannon FTO, February 23
At approximately 2130 hours last night Calvert communications began receiving calls for a reported House Fire in the Huntingtown area. Units arrived on scene and confirmed "fire through the roof" and requested the working fire dispatch. CALS M101 responded with Safety Officer J. Hiepler. Once on scene the medic met up with other EMS units on scene to provide EMS coverage for the fire.... (Full Story & Photos)
Rush Hour Crash Send One to Trauma Center
Member, February 21
Today at approximately 630 pm a CALS unit was traveling south on Rt-4 in the St- Leonard area when they heard A79 "call in" a crash at Rt-4 and Ball Rd. Being in the area the CALS unit added themselves to the call and arrived along with other units from St-Leonard VFD already on scene. Medics from CALS assessed the patients with the assistance of BLS crews from St -Leonard VFD and transported ultimately ... (Full Story & Photos)
CALS Unit on scene assisting as a traffic buffer.
CALS Units providing ALS coverage during the most recent snow storm.
CALS Handles 2nd Snow Storm of the Year
Chief of CALS Chris Shannon FTO, February 15
This winter has proven to be a good one with a second large storm hitting the Southern Maryland Region in as many months. Once again CALS members stepped up and placed additional ALS units in service to support the DES units with responding to emergencies throughout the Calvert County. PMIC N. Polling and Safety Officer J. Hiepler staffed two of our medic units while Chief 10A (S. McKeever) ... (Full Story & Photos)
Flyout from St-Leonard
Chief 10A Sean McKeever, February 11
On Monday, 10 Feb, Calvert ALS responded with St. Leonard VFD to a priority medical incident. M104 (R. Middleton and A. Dickson) arrived on scene confirming the patient had a medical emergency requiring more specialized care. M104 worked with A78 to triage and treat the patient, while CH10A coordinated the landing site for the air resource. M104 and A78 packaged and transported the patient to a nearby ... (Full Story & Photos)
Trooper 7 coming in for final at the LZ
A view of CHMC from MSP Trooper 7 on approach into the helipad at ER.
CALS Responds to a Complex Call
Member, January 12
Early this morning CALS and St-Leonard VFD units were dispatched for a reported cardiac arrest. CHF10 was already on the road enroute to CALS and was just minutes from the call and arrived on scene first. The patient had a very complex medical condition requiring a lot of complicated care. M104 (PMIC Middleton) arrived shortly after and worked with CHF10 and the units from St-Leonard for approximately ... (Full Story & Photos)
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