Medics Respond to Entrapment on the Thomas Johnson Bridge
By Chief of CALS Chris Shannon FTO
September 27, 2019
At approx 2100 hours on Friday night Solomons vfd units were alerted for the report of a head on collision on the TJB. Soon after the initial dispatch "The Medic" was added for the report of one unconscious. M102 (PMIC Youngblood) who was in the Lusby area marked up responding. With the report of one subject unconscious M105 (PMIC Newman-Paul) marked up as the 2nd medic to back up M102. Solomons Squad 3 arrived on location and confirmed one subject heavily trapped in his car on the top of the bridge. M102 arrived soon after and began to provide care with the help of BLS crews from Co.3 & 7. M102 aggressively managed the unconscious patient's airway while still trapped in the vehicle providing BVM respiration. To make room for the Squads on the bridge all the ambulances were staged at the base of the bridge and had run all their gear up to the accident site on foot. M105 assisted with backing an ambulance all the way up the bridge to be able to quickly receive the priority 1 patient that was trapped. Squads 3 & 7 worked very hard and were able to free the trapped driver in approx 15 mins and move him to a Solomons ambulance for transport to the LZ at the Navy Rec Center. Once the patient was in the ambulance Medics Youngblood and Newman-Paul and Paramedic Student Folliard worked very hard performing several advanced skills en route to the LZ. ALS crews were able to transfer care to MSP Trooper 7 with a patient who was completely packaged and airway secured for his flight to PG trauma.